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Friday 22 May 2015


Pitting is one of the typical folk art western Java are quite popular, especially among traditional. This art is a legacy of ancestors who survived existence until today. At its core is a showcase pitting dexterity livestock, which in turn will raise the prestige of an association of certain livestock. The participants are breeders of sheep scattered in almost all western Java, especially areas arrowroot, Sumedang, Bandung, Majalengka and others. Event pitting carried out every year by a system of competition, almost every month rotating activities implemented in the regions. The duo arena pitting one of which is located in the Valley Siliwangi.
Each event pitting always crowded with spectators. This activity also has a fairly high prestige due to many figures who are also fans of Sundanese well as its owner, such as Kang Ibing (late) and others.

Monday 16 February 2015

Kuda Lumping

Kuda lumping also called distance braid or jathilan is a traditional Javanese dance featuring a group of soldiers on horseback middle. This dance using horses made of woven bamboo in and cut like the shape of a horse. This horse webbing and fabric decorated with colorful paint. Kuda Lumping dance usually only show scenes hussar, but some also serve appearance lumping horse possessed attractions, immunity, and magical powers, such as glass-consuming attraction and immune against flogging whip. Jaran braid is part of the dance performances reog. Although this dance comes from Java, Indonesia, this dance is also inherited by the Javanese who settled in North Sumatra and in some areas outside of Indonesia such as in Malaysia.

Kuda Lumping dance is played with the property in the form of a mock horse, made of woven bamboo or braid. None of the historical record is able to explain the origin of this dance, only a verbal history handed down from one generation to the next.

That said, lumping horse dance is a form of appreciation and support of the common people against the cavalry of Prince Diponegoro in the face of the Dutch colonizers. There is also a version that says, that lumping horse dance depicts the story of the struggle of Raden Patah, assisted by Sunan Kalijaga, against the Dutch colonialists. Another version says that, this dance tells the story of war games Mataram forces led lane I, King of Mataram, to face the Dutch troops.

Regardless of the origin and historical value, lumping horse dance reflects the spirit of heroism and military aspects of a cavalry or cavalry. It is seen from movements rhythmic, dynamic, and aggressive, with the flick of woven bamboo, mimicking the movement like a horse in the middle of a war.

Often in Kuda Lumping dance performances, the show also featured attractions smelling magical supernatural powers, such as chewing attractions glass, slashed with machetes arm, burn away, walking on broken glass, and others. Perhaps, this attraction reflects the supernatural powers in ancient times developed by the Kingdom of Java, and is a non-military aspects are used to fight against the Dutch troops.

Saturday 14 February 2015


Marionette Puppet is the traditional arts of West Java, which is a play doll made of wood and played by voice actor cum director called Dalang. A Puppeteer has expertise in imitating various human voice. As with Jaipong, staging Marionette Puppet complete musikDegung denganSinden accompanied her. Marionette Puppet usually performed at entertainment events, weddings or other events. Time the play was unique, ie at night (usually night long) started at 20:00 to 21:00 until 04.00 am. The story that brought revolves around the struggle between good and evil (good figure against the villain). The story is much inspired by the Hindu culture of India, sepertiRamayana or Baratayudha War. The characters in the story took on the names of Indian land. In Marionette Puppet, there is a 'character' highly anticipated staging is called Purnakawan groups, such as Dawala danCepot. These characters are popular because they are the leaders who always plays the role of a funny (like comedian) and often provoke the laughter of the audience. A clever manipulator will play the character with a very interesting variation.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Kajang Amma Toa tribe (Bulukumba, South Sulawesi)

In South Sulawesi, mystical science or black magic is already very well-known tribe, and even has become a hallmark of the tribe. The first thing they dipikiran terbersik when asked about this tribe is "witchcraft". Perhaps because the image is already attached. This also is reasonable, because the animist beliefs still exist in Tana Toa (Although the majority of the Muslim religion in Kajang). Because it has been known about the science of the typical Kajang, some people will feel anxious if adjacent or estimated by one of the residents Kajang. This is a strong issue and terrific !. Their strength is strong, even once word got out that they could soften the human skull in a moment, in addition they are also resistant to sharp objects.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Weird News Barbers street has a collection of Luxury Cars

  Being the most valuable inspiration when you see the persistence of a barber hair jalananan named Ramesh Babu. With hard work and cleverness he transformed into a barber richest in the world. Weird News about Ramesh babu, which usually hung in Bangalore India region is indeed in the interest of many people. Salon that he managed it actually is inherited from the father who had long died. It turns out that the advantage of the salon Ramesh can buy a car, it's strange that he did not use the car, but he rented to others.

Years all profits he saved to buy a very small he dreamed. Finally childhood dreams that previously there was only wishful diangan could he realize that it can buy a luxury car Rolls Royce Ghost and the BMW 7-Series is worth about USD 798 million Rupiah. Curious as to what the appearance of a wealthy barber following is some evidence photographs