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Sunday 18 May 2014

Bull Race ( Karapan Sapi )

Bull Race, Indonesia is very thick at all the customs and culture. One of the results of the original culture of Indonesia is Bull Race. For those of you who is a native of the city of Madura may already be familiar with the term "Bull Race". Bull Race itself is one of the original culture typical Madura where the animal or animals in this case cows, racing to win a race. There may of readers who do not understand at all not even know what it is Bull Race. Although a native of Indonesia, not necessarily all of its citizens to know all the cultures that exist in Indonesia. For that in this article I will introduce and describe about one of the typical Indonesian culture of Madura, namely Bull Race

From various sources are mentioned, the history or the origin of Bull Race itself is known Madurese since the 13th century. Bull Race when it was first popularized by Prince Katandur Sapudi Island, Sumenep. His positive idea about rice processing using bovine animals earned high praise from his subjects. Previously arid land could be fertile thanks to the help of a cow. Results panenpun Sapudi island became plentiful and very fertile island. Shortly after its people enjoy the fruits of a bountiful harvest, Prince Katandur make a race a race that is held in a cow paddy crop acreage. Rakyatpun very excited in participating in the race. From there each harvest time, always held Bull Race. Well that's where the culture became known Bull Race until now. 

Bull Race uses two cows where the shoulder and the shoulder mounted a wooden train as a jockey to stand up and to set the pair of cows in terms of direction and speed. To initiate a Bull Race race is usually accompanied by Saronen, which is typical gamelan music Madura Island. Bull Race-jockey jockey also typically use their traditional dress, called "Pesa'an". Pesa'an itself is black colored outfits, both pants and shirts as well as on the inside of his shirt shirts that are colored red and white stripes. Bull Race in the race, divided into several rounds. The first half of the group is penyelisihan winning and losing. While the second half fight for the losing team. And the third round fight for the winning team. The winning group will receive the Presidents Cup in rotation

Bull Race also diverse kinds, namely Often Keni (Small Karapan), Often King (Karapan Large), Often Onjhangan (Karapan Invitation), and residency Often Often Jhar-Jharan (Karapan Exercise). 

1 . Often Keni ( small races )Karapan cow is only followed by one sub-district . Running along the 110 -meter racing . And the funny thing is just small cows that should be included . If you win in this type of cow races , the races will be entered into the higher cow level .2 . Often King ( big races )The cow races are usually held in the capital of the district every Sunday . Running about 120 meters racing and its participants are often Keni champions .3 . Often Onjangan ( karapan invitation )The cow races only by participants who received the invitation from a district . These races are usually held to commemorate the big day only.4 . Often Karesidenen ( karapan residency level )Bull Race was followed by the winner of each district in the city of Madura . The cow races are held every day of the week because it is the peak of the season races .5 . Often jar - lesson ( karapan exercise )Bull Race is done only to train the cows race before a race . 

After you read about the various races of cattle above, of course you're wondering, the parties where the hell that is involved in the Bull Race. Here are the parties directly involved in the race Bull Race:

     Builders tongko that people in charge of control cow race over kaleles
     Builders Tambeng ie those who hold the reins in charge of cows before being released
     Builders gettak bully is the person in charge so that when the cows cue can be sped quickly
     Builders Tonja interesting that the person in charge and lead a cow
     Builders gubra ie the person in charge will rejoice to give encouragement to cattle races 

Bull Race in addition to a cultural tradition , can also be used as a party of the people who carried out after harvest time . Madura also greatly benefited society at all with the Bull Race . Among them , they are given the opportunity to open a business in the area of ​​Bull Race race . Starting from selling trinkets typical Madura , Madura typical food , clothing typical Madura , Madura handicrafts and so on . We as citizens of Indonesia should be proud to have such a culture existing Bull Race in Madura . We need to know, Bull Race Culture itself is now known not only by locals , but also foreign nationals who come to Indonesia , especially to the island of Madura , who are interested to watch the live culture of the Bull Race .At least you read this article , you can learn more about the distinctive culture of the island of Madura , namely Bull Race . Although it had never seen in person , you can also see it through online media , like youtube atapun others . Clearly we need to be proud to be an Indonesian . No need to worry or be embarrassed , Preserve Original Indonesian Culture !Hopefully this article can be useful for all readers . Thank you .

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