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Friday 18 April 2014

Pantai Ujung Genteng – Pantai Nirwana

Pantai Ujung Genteng in the west Java coast is nirvana. Silence is buried and has not been known by the people of Indonesia. Sea waves on a blue sky arches hit no coral tired. Multicolored fish back and forth in between the coral inserts, crashing weak green grass. When the sun went close dusk, orange-red color greet the whole coast, raises the light sheen of blushing.

That piece of charm on offer Coastal Edge tiles are located in the South Coast , Sukabumi , West Java . For those who like water tourism , Edge tiles do not compare with other tourist attractions . But everything will be paid off by the end tiles natural scenery charming .
It takes patience to get to this beach . Prior to the coastline , we have to go through a winding road . But when the foot stepped on the coastal line, the ripple of the waves of the Indian Ocean makes us forget everything . only the beauty of the spoken word . corals sprawling with dazzling white sand makes the heart enthralled by its beauty Edge tiles .
Coastal Edge tiles , it sounds strange and quite funny when interpreted in general . With a long coastline of about 16 km that leads to the West End of tiles make the most beautiful sights along the southern coast . Its beauty is not less than that of Pelabuhan Ratu neighbors who had already well-known to foreign tourists . distance of about 220 km from Jakarta or 230 Km from the city of Bandung . Many alternative paths to get there . Public transportation is also available in adequate amounts .
In the colonial period , Edge tiles serve as a dock for Dutch ships sailing in the Indian Ocean . When Japan came to power, the army Nipon use it to transport natural results Sukabumi . However , this time the remaining debris . Only solid walls and foundation breakwater lighthouse which is still clearly visible .
In addition to the waves that roll , rock cliffs , and the sprawling white sand , Edge Tile is also famous for its mouth . One satunva Cipanarikan Estuary . The meeting place for the river estuary that divides Cipanarikan wildlife refuges Cikepuh with sea water . Before getting into the sea , river water forming squiggly grooves that resemble snakes that are running , thus forming a very wide stretch of sand .
Cipanarikan estuary sand grains are often so subtle arena of children's toys . They are running around or forming images or writing his own name . In the estuary there are also many marine animals , such as crabs , grouse , lizards , and fish estuary . When we explore the many beaches are also found ornamental fishes swim freely between the sidelines of the cliff .

 Not far from the Edge tiles are Pangumbahan beach where turtles lay eggs . Usually turtles will lay eggs kedarat rise at night to make the hole . Turtle spawning event is a show that is eagerly awaited visitors . In this place there are four species of turtle endemic Edge tiles . However , their habitat began to decrease , only Green Turtle which are often seen laying eggs .
If you want to watch the turtles lay their eggs are advised not to make a fuss , because this will make the reluctant turtle laying eggs . After nesting , with flashlights and batons medial assistance we can dig a hole where turtles lay eggs . Can reach 1 meter depth even more . In each time laying eggs , a turtle can produce 100 eggs .
The appeal of the other Edge tiles are Seven Waves is located about 15 Km from Pangumbahan . To get to the Seven Waves can be reached by walking for 3-4 hours . Seven Waves one area of tourist favorite for surfing , as the waves are always consecutive seven and high waves . Around seven waves there are several small islands have beaches that are rarely touched humans .
There's more interesting tourist sites . Cibuaya is a very fitting place to bathe or swim . Cibuaya form of a coastal basin has a depth varying anatra 0.5 meters to 6 meters . In it there is also a beautiful coral reef . At this location we can enjoy the sunrise from behind the woods Cikepuh or sunset at the end of the ocean . For those who like fishing , Cibuaya is a very suitable place because fish snapper and Krapu much dominate this location .
Pantain Edge Tile is located quite far away , but the complete beauty to make it so close .

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