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Sunday 20 April 2014

Kampung Naga

Tasikmalaya Regency - West Java - Indonesia 

Architecture in Kampung Naga

A. Overview 

In the middle of the swift pace of global culture that erodes local culture , there are still a bunch of people who remain steadfast maintain customs and is not affected by the bustle pace of globalization . These groups remain loyal and enduring in its simplicity and modesty , as well as running all the traditions handed down by their ancestors . They are residents of Kampung Naga .
Kampung Naga is a traditional village or a village located on the edge of the highway Garut - Tasikmalaya . Traditionally called because they are consistent in maintaining the customs and culture of their ancestors. It is very much different as compared to other communities outside Kampung Naga . Kampung Naga population also live in an order that the full feel of simplicity . For the people of Kampung Naga , customs compliance in carrying out a form of homage to the ancestors ( karuhan ) . Something that comes not from the teachings karuhan considered taboo , which if violated would be disastrous .
The area is inhabited settlements around 311 inhabitants located in the fertile valley on the banks of the River Ciwulan . The village is divided into several areas such as forests , rivers , rice fields , and housing . Each area has its own boundaries and should not be violated . Because , in their belief , in each region there is a limit as penunggunya spirits . If the limit is violated , the spirits will be angry that there was disastrous . Therefore , people are not allowed to build the house in the rice fields , and vice versa , as this is against the teachings karuhan .
In Kampung Naga contained 111 buildings consisting of 108 residential homes , 1 meeting hall ( bale Patemon ) , 1 mosque , and 1 barn . Mosques , meeting halls , and barns placed parallel facing east-west direction . In front of these buildings are spacious courtyard used for traditional ceremonies . While building houses stand in a line facing north - south . 

Road to Kampung Naga and beauty

The houses in Kampung Naga -shaped house on stilts made ​​of wood and woven bamboo slats . While the roof is made of palm leaves , fibers, or reeds . Architecture and interior design is simple but well-integrated , so that air and light to circulate properly . In addition , buildings in Kampung Naga is also earthquake resistant . This was evident when an earthquake measuring 7.3 magnitude shook Tasikmalaya on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 ago , none of the residents of Kampung Naga collapsed or suffered significant damage . Therefore , Kampung Naga will be used as pilot certification architectural design and energy-saving green buildings Indonesia by the Green Building Council of Indonesia ( GBCI ) .

B. FeaturesThe main attraction is owned by Kampung Naga is a very quiet atmosphere and peaceful , where people still cling to traditions and keeping the values ​​of local wisdom - the one thing that has been difficult to find in today's modern township . Before you set foot in the territory of the township , you have to walk down a hundred sengked ( stairs) which is quite steep , so when it rains you have to be careful if you do not want to slip and fall . However , your struggle was not in vain , because along the way you will be treated to a breathtaking panorama . Verdant rice fields , river flowing Ciwulan meanders , the chirping of birds , gurgling water , wind, all of which produce natural singing a beautiful composition . 

Panorama beauty of Kampung Naga

In Kampung Naga , there are several rules to be followed by visitors , among other things should not be said carelessly , should not interfere with existing animals , and should not break the branches . That rule is not just for tourists , but also applies to local residents . In fact , the original inhabitants of Kampung Naga there are more rules or what they call as taboos . For example , they should not paint their houses except using chalk , should not build a house using bricks and cement , should not be entered into the performing arts in addition to the original art Kampung Naga , and many other regulations . To an outsider these rules may seem far-fetched, but it is getting out of taboos and local knowledge that is the preservation of Kampung Naga is maintained.
In addition , similar to the Bedouin communities , residents of Kampung Naga does not allow goods and modern equipment go into their village . In fact , the power grid was not allowed into the village . Therefore , when night falls the atmosphere to be so dark . There are only a kerosene light as a torch or lantern in the main houses . As for the lighting in the streets , they are accustomed to using torches . However , that is precisely what is unique when you stay in this ward - rural atmosphere truly one with nature . 

Kampung Naga Traditional Arts

If you have enough time, not far from Kampung Naga, there are two small waterfall that serves as a barrier region and a source of irrigation in the dry season. You can play around in this waterfall. However, you should hurry up before the maghrib, because there is a belief that is believed by the public that he who bathe in the waterfall will certainly possessed before the maghrib.

As citizens of a traditional village, residents of Kampung Naga is also often carry out traditional ceremonies. The ceremony was conducted in the usual Maulud and Shawwal (Hijri calendar). Travelers who want to witness the ceremony must comply with all applicable regulations during traditional ceremonies take place

C. LocationKampung Naga is located in Neglasari , District Salawu , Tasikmalaya District , West Java Province , Indonesia .

D. accessLocated in Garut - Tasikmalaya highway makes it easy to reach Kampung Naga private vehicle or public transportation . The village is situated in the valley of the River Ciwulan , is about 500 feet below the highway . Tasikmalaya mileage of approximately 30 kilometers and 26 kilometers from the city of Garut . Meanwhile, from Bandung , Kampung Naga is 90 km .

E. Ticket
Travelers who wish to visit Kampung Naga does not have to pay admission . It is suggested , tourists who want to visit Kampung Naga in order not to come on Tuesday , Wednesday , or Saturday . Because, in those days the people of Kampung Naga is conducting the ritual seclusion , the effort to avoid conversations about everything related to customs and origins of the village .

F. Accommodation and Other Facilities 

Although Kampung Naga is a fairly popular tourist attraction in West Java , to date there is no electricity in Kampung Naga . Travelers who want to stay in this village have to ask permission to Kuncen ( village elders ) ahead of time and prepare makeshift facility , but it is very close to nature .
Most of the residents of Kampung Naga speak Sundanese , therefore for tourists who do not speak Sundanese hire the services of a guide is recommended . In this place there are many guides who can accompany your trip . Total fare flexible and can be discussed .
Although Kampung Naga is located far down the road, if you bring your own vehicle you need not worry . At the gate of the court there Kampung Naga widely used as a vehicle park visitors . In around the park are stalls selling souvenirs typical woven artificial Tasikmalaya Kampung Naga population and food

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