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Thursday 24 July 2014


What lake is the world's second largest lake which is also located in Indonesia? Yes, the answer is Lake Toba. Perhaps not everyone knows that the Lake Toba in Indonesia is the second largest lake in the world is also one of the most beautiful lakes that Indonesia had

 Our country is very rich with a beautiful and fascinating place be a place of tourist tenpat been able to attract the attention of the world. The proof, some regions were used as places of tourist attractions and areas protected area used as a world heritage site and the site attracted the interest of many foreign pewisata from almost all corners of the world like Bali, Lombok, Borobudur temple which is amazing and its beauty is recognized by the world.

So is the Lake Toba. Lakes that occur as a result of a volcanic eruption is Mount Toba super big. The beauty of Lake Toba is hard to explain with words. Lake with blue water and cool air is presenting some tours that we can do in this place such as nature tourism, spiritual tourism, culinary tourism, and historical tourism

Lake Toba is also a super big tourist area in the world. The natural beauty disuguhkannya truly amazing. In addition to a variety of interesting tourist objects, around Lake Toba are also many culinary dijajakkan that you must taste which one of them is fish revelry and celebration in a fresh and dry much dijajakkan around the region. pora pora usual fried fish with crispy flour and paired with sweet spicy mayonnaise sauce is very tasty and will keep you hooked. Moreover, in this place there is also a traditional Batak cuisine is original arsik fish comes from Lake Toba.

That said, the fish of Lake Toba has a savory flavor and crunchy like tilapia, carp, etc.. Fish is popular and well known. In addition, there is also a porridge sitohap Silalahi which is a typical food in the lake Toba. In addition to its culinary variety that is very seductive and intriguing, the existing natural landscape around Lake Toba you can also enjoy relaxing while enjoying the stunning beauty, or you can also rent a bicycle or motorcycle to get around this place around and enjoy all the scenery is very charming and interesting.  

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