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Monday 16 June 2014

Sejarah Pencak Silat

Ancestors of Indonesia has had a way of self-defense which is intended to protect and preserve life or a group of natural challenges. Pencak Silat History | Rules of Pencak Silat | They created a martial imitating animal movements that exist in the surrounding environment, such as the movement of apes, tigers, snakes, or eagle. The origin of martial arts in this archipelago is also the possibility of developing skills of Indonesian indigenous tribes in the hunting and fighting with machetes, shields, and spears, for example as in the tradition of Nias tribe until the 20th century relatively untouched by outside influences.

Silat is expected to spread in the archipelago since the 7th century BC, but its origin can not be determined with certainty. Great kingdoms, such as Srivijaya and Majapahit mentioned have great warrior-warrior who mastered martial arts and can gather soldiers skills in self-defense can be relied upon. Researchers martial Donald F. Draeger found evidence of martial arts can be seen from a variety of weapons recovered artifacts from the classical period (Hindu-Buddhist) and the sculptured reliefs containing attitudes horses silat in Prambanan and Borobudur. In his book, Draeger wrote that the weapons and martial arts silat is indispensable, not only in body work alone, but also on the spiritual relationship that is closely associated with the culture of Indonesia. Meanwhile Sheikh Shamsuddin (2005) argues that there are significant martial arts of China and India in the martial arts. This is because since the beginning of the Malay culture has been influenced culture brought by traders and immigrants from India, China, and other foreign countries.Martial arts has been recognized by most of the Malay community in a variety of names. On the peninsula of Malaysia and Singapore, known as silat flow is gayong and cekak.Di Thailand, martial arts known as bersilat, and in the southern Philippines known as pasilat. From the name, it can be seen that the term "martial arts" the most widespread, so it is suspected that this martial spread to various regions of Sumatra in Southeast Asia shoreline.

 Silek (parried) Minangkabau demonstrate how to cripple an enemy who uses a dagger.

Martial traditions handed down orally and spread from mouth to mouth, from teacher to student taught, so that a written record of the origin of martial arts are hard to find. History of martial arts legend is told through diverse from one region to another. Legend Minangkabau Silat (Minangkabau language: Silek) created by Datuk Suri Kings of Pariangan, Tanah Datar at the foot of Mount Marapi in the 11th century. Then Silek taken and developed by the Minang people throughout Southeast Asia. Similarly folklore about the origins of martial arts Cimande flow, which tells the story of a woman who modeled the movement of a fight between a tiger and a monkey. Each region generally has a martial character (warrior) to be proud of, such as King Siliwangi Sundanese Pencak Silat Padjadjaran figures, Hang Tuah Malacca chief, Gajah Mada and Majapahit Mahapatih Pitung of Betawi.

 Historical development of martial arts began to be recorded when the distribution is heavily influenced by the Muslim missionaries in the 14th century in the archipelago. At that time martial arts are taught together with religious instruction at the mosque or seminary. Silat to be part of a spiritual practice. In some tribal cultures in Indonesia, martial arts are an integral part in a customary ceremony. For example Randai dance art that nobody else is Silek Minangkabau movement often featured in various events and custom event Minangkabau. In Betawi traditional wedding procession there are traditions "doorstop", ie Betawi martial arts demonstrations are packed in a small skits. This event is usually held before the marriage ceremony, which is a small drama that tells the groom's entourage on his way to the bride's house was blocked by a champion (warrior) who told the local village also put the heart to the bride. Then there was the fight martial halfway between champion-champion warrior-warrior ambush with bridesmaids man who of course won by the bodyguard of the groom. 

Then developed from silat martial arts and folk dance, arts education became part of the state to deal with foreign invaders. In the history of the struggle against the Dutch colonialists, carrying the warriors who took up arms, like Panembahan Senopati, Sultan Agung, Prince Diponegoro, Teuku Cik Di Tiro, Teuku Umar, Imam Bonjol, as well as the women warriors, such as Nan Aluih Sabai, Cut Nyak Dien, and Nyak Cut Meutia

Silat is now acknowledged as the Malay culture in a broad sense, ie the population of the coastal area of the island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, as well as various other ethnic groups who use the lingua franca of the Malay language in various areas in Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and the island others islands are also developed this martial.
Recognizing the importance of developing the role of martial arts it is deemed necessary to the organization that is the national martial art, which can also bind martial arts schools throughout Indonesia. On May 18, 1948, formed the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) IPSI is now listed as the oldest national martial arts organization in the world

 On March 11, 1980, the Union of Pencak Silat between nations (Persilat) was established on the initiative of Eddie M. Nalapraya (Indonesia), who was then chairman of the IPSI. The event was also attended by representatives from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam. Four countries including Indonesia, designated as the founder Persilat.
Several national silat organizations include Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) in Indonesia, Guild Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) in Malaysia, Persekutuan Silat Singapore (EXACTLY) in Singapore, and Brunei Silat Guild (PERSIB) in Brunei. Has grown also dozens of martial arts universities in the United States and Europe. Silat has now officially entered the sport in international matches, particularly competed in the SEA Games.

 Martial arts or martial
is a traditional martial art that originated from the archipelago. This martial art is widely known in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore, the southern Philippines and southern Thailand in accordance with the spread of ethnic Malay Archipelago. Thanks to the role of the coach from Indonesia, Vietnam now also has a formidable fighter-fighter. Parent martial arts organization in Indonesia is Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI). Organization that embodies federations of martial arts in various countries Persekutuan Pencak Silat is Among the Nation (Persilat), which was formed by Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.

Pencak Silat is a martial sport that requires a lot of concentration. There is the influence of Chinese culture, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam in the martial arts. Usually every region in Indonesia has a typical martial arts school. For example, the area of West Java is famous and Cikalong Cimande flow, no flow in Central Java, White Dove and no flow in East Java Shield Yourself. Every four years in Indonesia there is a national level martial arts match in National Sports Week. Martial arts also competed in the SEA Games since 1987. Beyond Indonesia also there are many fans of martial arts such as Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, and America.
At the national level sport through games and sports martial arts into one of the means of unifying the country, even to the name of the nation, and the identity of the nation. Martial arts sport has been contested at the international scale. In Indonesia a lot of flow
in the martial arts, with many streams shows that there is a wealth of culture in Indonesia with the values ​​in it.

The term in the Pencak Silat

Silat Betawi when the first "Cross Doors" in the tradition of the Betawi weddings, central lock disarm machete modeling techniques.
The horses: is the position of the foot tread to strengthen the position of the body. The horses are strong and sturdy it is important to maintain the position of the body that are not easily dropped. The horses are also important to resist the urge or the basis for the starting point of attack (kicks or punches).
Attitude and Motion: Pencak Silat is a system consisting of attitudes (positions) and gestures (movement). When a fighter moves when fighting, attitudes and movements change with the change of the opponent's position on an ongoing basis. Soon after finding the opponent's defense weakness, then fighters will try to beat your opponent with a fast attack.

Step: A unique feature of Silat is the use of a step. This step is important in the martial arts game is good and right. There are some recognizable patterns of steps, for example, step three and step four.
Kembangan: is the hand movements and gestures are made ​​with care, be aware of the movements of the enemy, while the enemy lurks gap defense. The main development is usually done at the beginning of the game and be able to anticipate the attack or deceive the enemy. Often motion resembles a dance or martial arts development in the Sunda maenpo resembles ngibing (jig). Development is one part of a major assessment in the arts of martial arts that promotes the beauty of movement.

Fruit: Pencak Silat has many kinds of defense and attack techniques. Traditionally the term of this technique can be likened to the fruit. Ordinary fighter uses hands, elbows, arms, legs, knees and feet in the attack. Common techniques include kicks, punches, stumbling, sweep, locking, throwing, holding, breaking joints, and others.
Kick: fighters train with the moves. Kick is a series of basic movements for the upper and lower body, which is used as a guide to mastering the use of advanced techniques of martial arts (fruit), the time to practice singly or in pairs. The use of a step, or a small movement of the body, teaches the use of setting foot. When combined, that Basic Pasan, or flow throughout the body.

  A wash and Cutouts: is one kind of fruit (technique) dropped the enemy by attacking enemy horses, namely the sweep kick or pinch (cut) feet of the enemy, so the enemy lose his balance and fall.
Locks: is a technique to immobilize an opponent so helpless, unable to move, or to disarm the enemy. Lockdown involves avoidance movement, trickery, and fast movement that typically target the wrist, arm, neck, chin, or the enemy's shoulder.

 Aspects and forms

  Arts of West Sumatra Randai wear Silek (silat) as an element of the dance.There are 4 main aspects of the martial arts, namely:1. Mental and Spiritual Aspects: Pencak Silat build and develop one's personality and noble character. The mighty warriors and ancient martial arts teachers often have to pass through the stages of meditation, penance, or other aspects of mysticism to achieve the highest levels of science.2. Aspects of Cultural Arts: Culture and games "art" of martial arts is one very important aspect. Pencak terms generally describe the dance art form of martial arts, with music and traditional clothing.3. Aspects of Self-Defense: self-confidence and perseverance is very important in the martial arts master in the martial arts. The term martial arts, tend to emphasize the technical aspects of the martial abilities of martial arts.4. Aspects of Sports: It means that the physical aspects of the martial arts is important. Fighters tried to adjust the mind with the body though. The competition is part of this aspect. Aspects include games and sports demonstrations stance forms, both for single, double or team.

 Forms of martial arts and His residence (where berlatihnya) different from each other, according to the aspects emphasized. Many stream that finds its origin from the observation of a wild animal fights. Silat-martial tigers and monkeys are examples of such streams. Those that argue that the martial aspect and exercise, both physical and breathing, is the beginning of the development of martial arts. Aspects of sports and martial aspect is what has made martial arts became popular in Europe.
However, many argue that the main points of martial arts stripped away, or facilitated, while joining the martial arts sports world. Therefore, most martial arts practitioners continue to focus on traditional or spiritual forms of martial arts, and does not follow the rules of membership and adopted by Persilat, as a martial arts setting organizations worldwide.

WeaponIn addition to empty hand fighting, martial arts also recognize a variety of weapons. among others:• Keris: a small knife stabbing weapon shaped, often with a wavy blade made by folding different types of metal together and then washing in acid.• Kujang: Sundanese blade• Side / Linso: silk scarf worn around the waist or shoulder, used in locking techniques and for defense against a knife.• Pole: sticks made of wood, steel or bamboo.• Cindai: fabric, usually worn as sarong or wrapped as head gear. Traditional women cover their heads with a cloth that can be converted into Cindai.• Tongkat / Toya: walking stick carried by the elderly, travelers and traveler.• Fan: Traditional folding fan that skeleton can be made of wood or iron.• Kerambit / Kuku Machan: A blade shaped like a tiger's claws that can be inserted in the woman's hair.• Crescent / sickles: a sickle, commonly used in farming, cultivation and harvesting crops.• Sundang: Bugis a double edge sword, often wavy-bladed• Rencong: slightly curved dagger Aceh• Mashed Pepper: small dagger that is also slightly curved like a dagger, literally means "destroyer of pepper".• Mace: blunt weapon made of steel.• Spear: javelin made of bamboo, steel or wood that sometimes has feathers attached near the blade.• Parang / Golok: short sword used in everyday tasks such as cutting the time combing the woods.• Trident: three three-pronged stake or weapon• Chabang / Branch: short-handled trident, literally meaning "branch".

The level of proficiency In summary, student, or martial arts fighters divided into several stages or levels of proficiency, namely: 1. Starters, taught all the basic stages as the horses, the technique kicks, punches, blocks, dodgery, catch, dings, body work, as well as a series of basic steps and moves standard college IPSI  

2. Medium, ditahap, the fighter is more focused on the application of all the basic movements, understanding, variation, and here will start to look the interests and talents of fighters, and will be distributed to each branch, for example, Sports & Arts. 3. Trainer, the result of a mature capability based on experience in the budding stage, and the medium will make the fighters step into the next stage, where they will be given techniques - techniques martial arts college, where this technique is only given to people who are trustworthy, and technically capable and morally, because usually a self-defense technique combat techniques are very effective in paralyzing the opponent / very deadly. 4. Swordsman, a fighter who has been recognized by the elders college, they will inherit the secret sciences high level. 

Disciplines of martial arts
In line with cultural norms and values, especially in Indonesia, there are some rules that must be done carefully when practicing martial arts, including the following. [6] • The opening ceremony of the training consists of: o Setting up the ranks; o Prayer led by coach; o Readings "Indonesian fighters vow" o Respect for coaches, led by the leader sequence. • Warming • Exercise the core • Cooling • The closing ceremony ended with a tribute workout and shake hands.

 Positive values ​​of martial arts
Some of the positive values ​​obtained in the martial sport of martial arts are: 1. Health and fitness; 2. Generating self-confidence; 3. Exercising mental toughness; 4. Developing high self-awareness; 5. Fostering a spirit of sportsmanship and knights; 6. Discipline and higher ductility.



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