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Thursday 1 May 2014

Calung, your history is now

Calung, may be unfamiliar to the people of Indonesia. Not many people know the traditional musical instrument Sunda. Though the prototype of Angklung also have heard bad harmony and thus has a historical and cultural values ​​are high

Unlike the Angklung, Calung not played the way it's shaken with mepukul rod (wilahan, blades) of the joints (bamboo tubes) are arranged according to titi barrel (scales) pentatonic (da-mi-na-ti-la). The type of bamboo used wulung awi usually bamboo or bamboo black. Although it can sometimes dijumpau Calung made ​​of bamboo awi or white friends.
Calung known by the Sundanese community since the time of the Sunda kingdom, of which as penggugah spirit in battle by the children at that time. The origin of the creation of bamboo music calung based view of Sundanese people who live with the agricultural lifeblood of paddy (pare) as a staple food. This gave rise to the myth of trust in Nyai Sri Pohaci as a symbol of the Goddess of Rice giver of life (breathe-hurip)

Reflection Sundanese people formerly in agricultural processing (tatanen), especially in the fields and huma has spawned the creation of poetry and song as a tribute and dedication to Nyai Sri Pohaci, as well as efforts nyinglar (starting reinforcements) so that they are not suitable planting invite catastrophe, both pests and disasters other natural. Buhun song lyric to respect the Nyi Sri Pohaci. Furthermore, the songs offerings to Dewi Sri is accompanied by the sound of percussion accompaniment made ​​from bamboo poles that simple packed, which then was born the structure of bamboo musical instrument we know today named calung
Subsequent developments in the game calung tradition accompanied by elements of movement and ibing (dance) rhythmic (rhythmic) pattern and certain rules in accordance with the needs of a memorial service at the time parading rice paddy to the barn (ngampih pare, nginebkeun), also at mitembeyan moments, began planting rice in some places in West Java called ngaseuk. Similarly, during the harvest festival and is dedicated seren epidemic and calung game.
Understanding calung than as a musical instrument is also attached as performing arts. There are two forms of Sundanese calung known, namely calung rantay and calung tote

calung Rantay
Calung rantay blades dideretkan tube with leather strap hibiscus (lulub) from the largest to the smallest, number 7 wilahan (7 sections bamboo) or more. There is a composition tool and there is also a row of two rows (calung ovaries and calung child / calung rincik). How to play calung rantay hit with two hands while sitting bersilah, the calung usually tied to a tree or cubicle house (calung rantay Banjaran-Bandung), some are made ​​shelf "holder" of special bamboo / wood, for example calung Tarawangsa in Cibalong and Cipatujah , Tasikmalaya, calung rantay in Banjaran and Baduy / Bedouin.

 calung Gear

The row of bamboo-shaped tote calung pitched united with a small blade of bamboo (paniir). Calung tote consists of four or five pieces, such as calung Kingking (comprised of 12 bamboo tubes), calung panepas (5/3 and 2 bamboo tubes), calung jongjrong (5/3 and 2 bamboo tubes), and calung bark (2 tubes bamboo). Calung completeness in its development today there is only a single use calung Kingking, panempas two pieces and one piece calung bark, without using calung jongjrong How to play it was hit with a right hand put on the paddle, and the left hand carrying / holding the instrument. Meanwhile, among other techniques dimelodi menabuhnya, dikeleter, dikemprang, dikempyung, diraeh, dirincik, dirangkep (diracek), salancar, corkscrew and solorok.

 Calung tote used in ordinary performances Salendro stepped tones (tone stepped Pelog) and Madenda (nyorog). Waditra calung tote is the development of a form of calung Chain / calung Xylophone, calung in this form is already a performing art that is entertainment.
Calung tote derived from underlying calung rantay has been made ​​in four separate sections wadrita form, four separate wadrita fruit plays a portable manner by four players and each holding calung in different functions. Wadrita calung consists of 1. Kingking, 2. Panepas, 3. Jongjong, 4. Bark, while the number fifteen Kingking Calung tone / octave in tone smallest (highest

Calung Panepas number five pieces for five tone (1 Octave) tone is the lowest tone calung Kingking connection and from there the five tones that are divided in two there were slashed (incorporated jongjong as well as different panepas only a lower tone than panepas) tone panepas shape is always high divided into two pieces for 3 successive tones of a high, two-piece two-tone for continued
Calung Gonggong is the most numerous calung only two tube are united both in low tones among the whole calung. Calung types are now developed and known is calung tote

Calung rapid development of the arts in West Java, to the addition of several instruments in calung, for example kosrek, DAMAS, piul (violin) and there is even a complement to the keyboard and guitar. Packaging calung tote with a show inspired by the game show reog form that combines elements of percussion, movement and song combined.
Calung performing arts today has undergone many developments in the presentation and form. At the beginning of its existence calung art serves as a means of ritual, ie the ceremony in honor of Dewi Sri harvest celebrations, but over time, the show has now shifted function calung be a means of entertainment for the general public. This happened after calung change in packaging. 

After experiencing a period of growth in the form and packaging , calung art has spawned many groups are well known by the public , including calung ubuntu , calung Ria Buana , calung DAMAS , Layungsari , Glamour calung group , Jebrag and many others .Of several groups calung above has spawned the singer or singers calung which in principle have a vocal color or distinctive characteristics compared to the kind of vocal Sundanese gamelan , as in kawih , song , and so on . One of the singers of songs calung enough is known to the public until now Hendarso or Darso . People familiar with the good figure Darso of distinctive style in bringing the songs are sung . Accompanied by the sound vocal ornamentation - ornamentation , style of dress and attitude in the singing seemed to be a distinctive characteristic and familiar to the public . Citing Yus Wiradiredja expression in Faith Herawandi that : ' Excess of another group , Calung Darso having good cultivation of the arts , especially the presentation and processing of voice no one has set aside ' . This was confirmed by the opinion Kubarsah crown on the same source : 
" Group Calung Darso have innate vocal identity of the interpreter is Hendarso sekarnya in singing songs , the songs work well alone or other people's work , distinctive vocal techniques , simple song forms much ornamentation . So any good songs sung his own songs and songs of other people feel the song has a sound identity Darso " ( Herawandi 1997:6 ) .It is not known what lies behind appearances Hendarso in bringing each song she sang , her voice , the way she dressed , whether he ' modeled ' the appearance of one of the singers that never existed before , or whether it can be regarded as a creativity of a Hendarso . As disclosed in Deni Hermawan Guilford on the definition of creativity on the dimensions of person stated : " Creativity Refers to the abilities that are characteristics of creative people" ( Creativity is defined as the ability of a creative nature ) . Or creativity Darso formed through an artistic process , referring to Jojo opinion stating : " Creativity is a process that manifests it self in fluency , flexibility in as well as in originality of thinking " ( Creativity is a process that reflected itself in the smoothness , suppleness also originality of thought ) . 
If the terms of the work of art, the word "calung" has two meanings, namely as a musical instrument (waditra) and as Art Pertunjukan.Pengertian Calung, in accordance with what is stated in the General Dictionary Basa Sunda Version of the tongue and Literature Sundanese, means "tina tatabeuhan awi guluntungan, xylophone siga aya nu, nu aya ditiir sarta ditakolannana dijingjing bari ". Raw material for making bamboo calung use. Bamboo is commonly used to make bamboo wulung calung is known awi name wulung black or white.
Of course, the various instruments used have different functions. At first, calung ritual serves as a means of Sundanese people. Calung functioned as an accompaniment instrument in traditional ceremonies such as Mapag sri. Apart from being a media ritual, calung also serves as a means of entertainment and performing arts

During its development, function calung shifted in the last function, namely as pertunjukan.Sebagai art performance art that uses basic tools calung, calung has spawned several seniman.Kita see artists from West Java, Hendarso (Darso), who showed his artistic talents to the accompaniment with calung. Actually, the Sunda inohong very happy with the appearance of popularizing calung Darso.Darso been regarded as a traditional musical instrument Sunda.
Style Darso turns performing arts have penetrated to the successors of traditional music sunda.Untuk with the times, now calung has been combined with certain types of music, namely dangdut. There is an interesting term for this kind calung, namely caldut (calung dangdut)

Traditional arts Calung Tarawangsa Cibalong, Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the repertoire of traditional music of West Java has been known since the 18th century. Condition today increasingly critical due oppressed other, more modern art. "Besides the modernization that continue to erode the values ​​up in remote rural localities. Extinction of traditional arts, also passed away due to abandoned pemainya Rachmatullah and also left the younger generation as the actual heir, "said Head of West Java Cultural Park Management, Dra. Hj. Rosdiana Rachmiwaty, MM
Yet according Rosdiana, besides being a part of the nation's wealth, as well as traditional art Calung Tarawangsa Cibalong a nation's identity and character.
"Where as the culprit revealed, that they have inherited the art from his great-grandfather always maintained and cared for since become part of the characteristic of the nation as a greeter ever proved the Thai royal entourage who visited the kingdom Sukapura (Tasikmalaya) and royal Galuh (Kudat ), "said Rosdiana.
Although there was great in his day, but is now starting Calung art rarely heard in every single show. Art of the West Javanese art now began shifting to the west that often fills the ears of children to adults, in any event involving many people.

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