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Friday 25 April 2014

HISTORY Galunggung

Galunggung with a height of 2,168 meters above sea level is one of the strato volcano in Java is still active. In the physiographic division of West Java, including in the zone of the volcano crater that is formed in the central part of West Java. According to the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI), Galunggung region covering an area of ​​± 275 km2 with a diameter of about 27 km (northwest-southeast) and 13 km (northeast-southwest). Galunggung west is bordered by the Mount Karasak, north to Mount Talagabodas, east to Mount Sawal and on the south by the Southern Mountains Tertiary rocks. Galunggung morphology is divided into three units, namely: Cone Volcano, Caldera, and Ten Thousand Hills. The character of the eruption of Mount Galunggungumumnya a lava eruption leleran up with a very powerful explosion that took place in a short or long

Source: Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn , Java ; Deszelfs Gedaante , Bekleeding en Inwendige Structuur , Amsterdam : PN van Kampen , 1853Galunggung , One Spiritual Centre SundaneseHistorical records Galunggung region began in the XII century . In this area there is a Rajyamandala ( subordinate kingdom ) based Galunggung Rumantak , which is now included in the Linggawangi Village area , District Leuwisari , Tasikmalaya . Galunggung is one of the spiritual centers of pre Padjadjaran Sundanese kingdom , with its leaders figure Batari Hyang - XII century . When Islam gained influence , the center moved to the area with Sheikh Abdul Pamijahan Muhyi ( XVII century ) as a role model cleric . Sources prasastiGeger Hanjuang found there mentioned that in 1033 Saka or 1111 AD , Batari Hyang make the implant / trenches . Nyusuk events or making of this trench means indicates the crowning of a new power in there ( in the region Galunggung ) . While other ancient Sundanese script is Galunggung Commission which is a collection of manuscripts found in kabuyutan Ciburuy , South Garut contains advice-advice submitted by Rakyan Darmasiksa , penguasaGalunggung at that time to their children.

While King Jaya Pakuan Bujangga aka Manik , a Hindu sage of the Kingdom of Sunda , Padjadjaran Pakuan who has made ​​two trips from Padjadjaran Pakuan Java to write Galunggung had the account of the journey . However, not much information about Galunggung derived from this manuscript .Sadatang ka Saung Galah , sadiri aing ti inya , Saung Galah kaleu ( m ) of food , kapungkur Galunggung , katukang Panggarangan na , na ngalalar In Beunghar , katukang na Pamipiran .( Arriving at Saung Galah I went from there traced Saung Galah , Galunggung behind me , passing Panggarangan , through In Beunghar , Pamipiran was behind me . )

Powerful Latusan Galunggung

According to historical records Galunggung has erupted four times , namely in 1822 , 1894 , 1918 and in the period 1982-1983 . Johannes Olivier menyebutkankan Jz in his book that before 1822 , there were no written or oral source of data about the eruption of Mount Galunggung in the past , both derived from foreign sources and local community resources . Ancient Sundanese manuscripts was nothing explicitly tells about the eruption of Galunggung in the past . 

The first eruption of Mount Galunggung occurred on October 8, 1822 between the hours of 13:00 to 16:00 pm , and accompanied by some volcanic activity and eruptions were recorded last until the date of October 12, 1822 . According to the book Jz Johannes Olivier , " Tafereelen merkwaardigheden uit en Oost - Indie " published in 1836, before the eruption occurred , around the month of July 1822 , citizens residing in the surrounding watershed Cikunir , which tipped the GunungGalunggung , feel the strangeness that occurs in river water . Turned into a murky river water , sulfur smell and the water tasted a little bitter . In addition residents who cross the river found traces of white foam on their feet . Soon Singaparna District head immediately conduct an investigation . Envoy district head check and follow the river upstream to the waterfall pool Bamboelan , there they found the water in the pool was very cloudy and warm . Some time later the river water becomes clear again but the smell of sulfur still exist . Came three months later on 8 October 1822 with no signs in the sky , the Galunggung erupted violently . The earth trembled . The sky rumbled . Without any warning Galunggunglangsung spewing ash , sand and other volcanic material soar into the sky . 
Galunggung eruption in 1822 is listed as one of the volcanic eruptions of the most deadly in the world due to loss of lives . Olivier describes , In The Pod Radjapolla ( Rajapolah ) there are 9 villages were destroyed as a result of mud , but only 9 people were killed , while Distrikt Indihiang is the worst area , about 45 villages buried under mud , 1100 people were killed . In Tassik - malayoe ( Tasikmalaya ) 14 villages destroyed , 900 people were killed , while at the Library Singaparna 35 villages destroyed and 1500 people were affected . While the book Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn ( " Java ; Deszelfs Gedaante , Bekleeding en Inwendige Structuur " , Amsterdam , 1853 , pp. 143 ) mentions after the official investigation conducted by the government ( Dutch East Indies ) in 4011 set the number of casualties as much as 114 lives and destroyed villages . Resident der Pranger Regentschap at that time , Baron R. Van Der Capellen , immediately intervene after hearing news of the outbreak of Galunggung . Together with a doctor named Bruininga helping refugees and victims letusanGalunggung . Because of the magnitude of the eruption Olivier called it " the largest eruptions will continue to exist in people's memories in Java " 
Note Galunggung last eruption occurred on April 5, 1982. Eruption accompanied by the sound of thumping and rumbling , glowing fire , flashes of lightning and thunder . Activity last eruption lasted for 9 months and ended on January 8, 1983 . Eruption last vulcanian vertical type ( such as the atomic bomb blast fungus ) , the eruption reached 20 kilometers into the sky . The eruption was followed by bursts of piroclastic ( fine dust ) which plied Tasikmalaya , Garut , Cianjur , Bandung , and other cities that are within a radius of about 100 kilometers from Galunggung , including up to Jakarta .Galunggung great eruption , volcanic dust could catapult to soar into the sky . On June 24, 1982 at around 20:40 , a Boeing 747 - 236B aircraft with flight code G - owned airline BDXH penerbanganBritish Airways Flight 9 with 263 passengers was damaged on all four engines while flying over the Indian Ocean around the southern island of Java . The plane departed from London to Auckland Airport Heatrow New Zealand , with a transit route Bombay , Madras , Kuala Lumpur , Perth , Melbourne and Auckland . 
The aircraft departed from Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport , Kuala Lumpur , to Perth Australia , flew across the Indian Ocean to a height of about 37000 feet ( approximately 11 miles ) aircraft unwittingly enter into a cloud of volcanic ash that was brought up by the eruption of Mount Galunggung . The volcanic ash caused all four engines dead until the end plane to divert its route to Jakarta , but it can be an emergency landing safely .Awesomeness Galunggung eruption in the past has been a lot of casualties of life and property . However, after some time after the eruption , Galunggung give life back to the plant and the people who live in the vicinity. Galunggung eruption spewed millions of cubic meters of mud and volcanic sand to Tasikmalaya and surrounding areas , make this area fertile . Vomit cold lava flows follow the flow of the river . The flow of the river and irrigation canals covered in mud . Thus constructed a check dam ( bag cold lava ) in the levee safety Sinagar as cold lava flood overflow into the region Tasikmalaya . Material spills cold lava volcanic sand utilized as a sand mine apart to minimize the danger of cold lava flood . Galunggungmemiliki good quality sand for use as building materials and road construction . Along with the development of the mine sand Galunggung , formerly had a special line rail network built Railway Station heading to Pirusa Sukaratu sinagar as check dams to transport sand from Mount Galungung to Jakarta . The line was closed in 1995 . 

Towards Galunggung

The stories virulence eruption of Mount Galunggung invite curiosity of people to visit there . Currently Galunggung asleep so it is safe to visit (Source : Volcanological Survey of Indonesia , the EMR ) .Galunggung relatively easily reached from Jakarta . Geographically , located in the village Galunggung Linggajati , District Sukaratu , Tasikmalaya District , Sekitar17 kilometers from the center of Tasikmalaya .To get there , there are two alternative cities as early journey to get there is through the town of Tasikmalaya or Singaparna which will also be met on the main road leading to Galunggung which is a traffic lane trucks of sand .Since opening Cipularang highway , traveling from Jakarta to Tasikmalaya can be reached in about 5 hours , first trip from Jakarta to Tasikmalaya via Puncak takes about 7 to 8 hours . Public transportation from Jakarta to Tasikmalaya available at all times . However it is advisable to start early , so as to arrive in the early afternoon Tasikmalaya and proceed directly to the Galunggung . 

Visitors who use private vehicles can go directly to the parking lot area Galunggung , there are three alternatives :From the Jakarta or Bandung after passing Ciawi , Cisayong , before entering the town of Tasikmalaya , in the sub-district bus terminals Indihiang Indihiang before , there are on the right path towards Cipanas - Galunggung distance of about + 12 km . From the city center of Tasikmalaya directly westward through Jl . Bantar - Tawangbanteng , a distance of about + 17 km while if from the direction of Bandung via Garut - Singaparna after Cikunir junction near the bridge turn to the left + 14 km . Visitors with a large vehicle , medium or large buses are advised to take these Bantar - Tawangbanteng Beaten trucks sand , because if there Indihiang through small and narrow bridge that only one vehicle can pass .For visitors with public transportation from Jakarta and Bandung direction should be down at the Bus Terminal Tasikmalaya , because not a lot of public transit passes in the path above . Then , proceed to ride the city transit department - Terminal - Galunggung Singaparna costs around Rp . 9,000 per person . Get off at the entrance region Galunggung Cipanas . Then walk or ride a motorcycle up to the parking lot at the foot of the stairs to the crater .Other alternatives can be dropped off at the intersection Indihiang - Ciponyo ( just tell the conductor to want to Galunggung ) , and then went on to use a motorcycle taxi for Rp . 20,000 and gate attraction Galunggung and plus Rp . 15,000 to get the steps to the crater . 
Travel and surrounding Galunggung
In the area there are two places Galunggung attractions, namely the crater lake and hot spring Cipanas. From the main gate, visitors who want to take a road crater lake to the left. While visitors to the baths Cipanas will take the road to the right

 The stairs to the crater Galunggung 

To enjoy the view of the crater of Mount Galunggung visitors have to climb up the steps , amounting to 620 children tangga.Dari there visitors can reach the bottom of the crater down the trail about 100 meters . At the base of the crater , visitors can enjoy a wide expanse of the lake and its exotic nature , fishing a variety of species of freshwater fish Crater Lake . However, the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation ( PVMBG ) or the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia ( VSI ) do not recommend visitors to take a bath , swimming or boating at the crater lake . There are also streams of Crater Lake catchment , caves , tunnels and water to the river Cibanjaran Cikunir , as well as a small mosque located on the opposite side of the crater . At night from the lips of the crater , a bright day visitors can see the beauty of the sparkling lights of Tasikmalaya and surrounding areas .
If you are tired after climbing stairs Galunggung , about 3 kilometers from the crater , heading down , not so far from the location of the gate there is a hot water bath Cipanas and can be reached on foot . In this area there is a swimming pool , showers , and tubs of hot water soak . In addition , if there is time , visitors can also walk to the waterfall which is located not far from there .In addition to Crater Lake and Baths Cipanas , in the region there are also wanawisata ( jungle ) which has an area of approximately 120 acres managed by Perhutani . This area air cool , fresh air , and shade , so it is well suited to be a place to relax with friends or camping .In addition to Crater Lake Galunggung attractions and hot water bath , if there's time , then there is no harm in daam way home , stop at the attraction Ageng Situ Situ Gede or local designation . Situ Gede is a lake with an area of ​​approximately 47 hectares . The lake is located about 5 kilometers from the city of Tasikmalaya . In the midst of the lake there is an island covering an area of ​​approximately 1 hectare . On the island there is a shrine grandparent Prabudilaya legend Tasikmalaya community . In Situ Gede people can enjoy the beautiful and tranquil lake with a backdrop of Mount Galunggung in the distance . In addition, visitors can relax around the lake with rafts that much rent there .

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